Booking Live bands

At most events you will find food, drink and music. But whos supplying the music? Disco’s and DJ cost money, but did you know you can hire a full live band just for slightly more money than a disco?

Two important things to note when hiring any band:

  • Make sure they have quality music which will interest and entertain your guests. There are plenty of bands around, so shop around and go to one of their gigs before booking them for your event.
  • Advertise your event. Just hiring a band and expecting loads of people to turn up will not work. People will not turn up if they don’t know about it. So you MUST do some form of advertising.


How to advertise your event

There are actually lots of forms of free and cheap advertising.

  • Local papers : Most local papers have a free whats-on section. Just make a quick call to them and add your event to their list.
  • Posters : Get different size posters made. Don’t stick them randomly to walls. There are plenty of good places you can put them. Put them in and outside the venue. Ask local shops if you can put it in their window. You local music store often have a free notice board too.
  • Online : There are websites who are willing to advertise your event for free – Go to Google and type ‘submit event’. You should notice that these websites often ask for a url. So it would be a good idea to get a page on the internet with all the details of the event and put links to that page.I’ve created a website to help bands get their bookings


Launch of my new Band Directory Website

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