Summary of the Earth's future

A compiled summary of upcoming major events...

The Near Future:

  • 2021 AD : Summer Olympics in Tokyo,  Japan
  • 2022 AD : ExoMars rover touches down on Mars
  • 2022 AD : Winter Olympics in Beijing, China
  • 2023 AD : China opens its own space station
  • 2023 AD : Private citizens go around the Moon
  • 2023 AD : 8 Billion people on the planet
  • 2023 AD : The Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE) is launched
  • 2023 AD : Advanced AI realistic image generation.  Photographs can no longer be used as evidence
  • 2024 AD : Internet via space (Starlink fully operational)
  • 2024 AD : Summer Olympics in Paris, France
  • 2024 AD : GPT-4 and other advanced AI’s released
  • 2024 AD : First crewed flight of NASA’s Orion spacecraft
  • 2024 AD : Moon’s south pole is drilled (Lunar Mission One)
  • 2024 AD : India’s first crewed space flight
  • 2025 AD : India beats China in population numbers
  • 2025 AD : Human organs 3D printed
  • 2025 AD : The ITER experimental fusion reactor turned on
  • 2026 AD : First people sent to Mars
  • 2026 AD : Hard drives reach 50TB each
  • 2026 AD : AI singularity
  • 2027 AD : Brain – Computer link trials started
  • 2028 AD : Olympics in LA, California
  • 2029 AD : Largest ever ground based telescope built (Magellan)
  • 2030 AD : More EVs than Petrol cars on the road
  • 2031 AD : Titanic wreck decomposed
  • 2035 AD : 9 Billion people on the planet
  • 2036 AD : First people land on Mars
  • 2037 AD : California likely seen some major earthquakes
  • 2038 AD : The 2038 technical date problem (32bit overflow)
  • 2039 AD : Most new cars have self driving feature
  • 2040 AD : AI becomes intelligent
  • 2050 AD : 10 Billion people on the planet
  • 2060 AD : Halley’s comet returns
  • 2070 AD : Oil, then Gas have runs out
  • 2080 AD : 11 Billion people on the planet
  • 2100 AD : CO2 levels at 800ppm with a 4c global temperature rise
  • 2100 AD : Sea levels 1 metre higher than today
  • 2123 AD : 106 minute lunar eclipse
  • 2130 AD : All coal on Earth has been mined

Far Future:

  • 10,000 years : Sea levels rise above 3 metres
  • 15,000 years : North Pole now in the Sahara
  • 50,000 years : Each day is 1 second longer
  • 60,000 years : Ice age possible
  • 100,000 years : Constellations looking completely different
  • 500,000 years : Statically, Earth would be hit by an extinction level asteroid by now
  • 1 Million years : Super-volcanic global disaster likely happens by now
  • 50 Million years : (Phobos) Moon has hit Mars
  • 100 Million years : Earth might have replenish its fossil fuels
  • 110 Million years : The Sun is 1% brighter
  • 180 Million years :There will be 25 hrs in a day
  • 292 Million years : Saturn’s rings disappeared
  • 500 Million years : There will be 27 hrs in day
  • 600 Million years : The last Lunar eclipse
  • 700 Million years : Life becoming unsustainable due to heat
  • 900 Million years : There will be 30 hrs in a day
  • 1 Billion years : Sun is 10% hotter, boiling away oceans
  • 1.2 Billion years : Plant life no longer exists
  • 2 Billion years : Poles vanish, atmosphere starts bleeding to space
  • 2.55 Billion years : Sun reaches maximum surface temperature
  • 3 Billion years : Earth over 100c, all life is extinct

Very Distant Future:

  • 4 Billion years : Our Galaxy collides with Andromeda Galaxy
  • 5 Billion years : Earth is over 1000c, molten rock appearing
  • 5.4 Billion years : Sun evolving in to a red giant
  • 6.5 Billion years : Mars now has Earth like temperatures
  • 7.6 Billion years : Sun is 256 larger. Earth likely falls into the Sun
  • 7.9 Billion years : Sun reaches its maximum size
  • 8.0 Billion years : Sun shrinks to a small white dwarf
See Seb’s ‘Future Technology‘ Facebook page for more

More detail future here


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