Space NASA going to capture an Asteroid A $100 million mission to bag a 500 ton, 7-to-10 meter wide asteroid and bring…Seb13 April 2013
Space DA14 Asteroid Here's a short film I put together about asteroid DA14 that passed Earth last week…Seb15 February 2013
FutureSpace Our Galaxy will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy The two galaxies are moving at 402,000 kilometers per hour towards each other, but have…Seb2 June 2012
Space Solar storm due in 2013 The earth is constantly bombarded from the solar wind that comes from the sun, our…Seb19 August 2011
Space End of the World? So apparently the world is about to end today at 6pm! There are some significant…Seb1 May 2011
Space Space plane X-37B / USA-212 This plane has been flying around in space for nearly a year now. It is…Seb6 October 2010
Space Do UFOs exist? I mean, we have aliens visiting Earth? Well, think about it, wouldn't there be at…Seb7 June 2010